Fortnite, the worldwide well known battle royale game owned by Epic Games, was today removed from the Apple App store and google play store .

Why? You will know by reading this post .

All of us know that any store like Google play store or Apple App store allow any body to upload his own game or app , and when he gain money from it , the store gets about 30% as a fee for putting his app on their store.

 Also, any in app purchases should be according to the store’s terms, and the store should take a percentage from the purchases profits.

But Epic Games, the owner of many games including Fortnite,

didn’t like this, and didn’t want to pay 30% out of its profit for Google play and App store, so they made a payment method out of the store’s way, and gave players discounts when they use that method  , and this of course doesn’t meet these stores’ terms, so Apple started the attack , by removing Fortnite from the App store , and Google did this later on , so  for now , no Fortnite for users on App store and Google Play store , users who have it already installed will not receive updates without Store's permission , and no one knows what would happen in future .